Friday, 1 May 2020

Ornament of the Month 2020 - May

Welcome to the fifth Ornament of the Month for 2020! This month I didn't use any beads for the pattern - and most of the backstitches are actually straight stitches, so it stitches up quite quickly.

This is the May ornament all finished.
A slightly different angle.
As you may remember from the information post I'm using the colours of the month as my theme this year. The colours of the month for May are yellow, red and green. As I've already done yellow (February) and red (April) I chose green for May. I went for the more iridescent Kreinik 085 and coordinated it with DMC 991 as it brings out the green of the Kreinik nicely. I used TOHO TR-11-84 Metallic Iris Green/Brown as it has the same difficult to photograph properties as the Kreinik.

You can find the pattern here
You can find the construction tutorial here

Have a great weekend! I'll be back tomorrow with the next part of the Mini Magical Mystery SAL 4 and Tuesday with the next part of the Weavers Animals Band Sampler SAL!

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty pattern! It looks a little Christmasy, doesn't it?


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