Friday, 12 February 2021

Blackwork SAL 2021: Shades of Blackwork - February

Welcome to the second part of the 2021 Blackwork SAL! This below freezing temperature is really getting to my joints and making it difficult to stitch as a result. Today I could barely hold the needle and finally just gave up, so you won't have as much to see on the photo. The pattern however IS complete, so all is good!
Not much was done as you can see. The thread I'm using is one I'll tell you about another day, but it's from the same set as last month's thread.

If you are stitching this on a single piece of fabric then make sure it's 5 stitches (5 Aida squares/10 threads) away from the January part. Either to the side or below, depending on how you are placing your parts.

You can find the pattern here

I'll be back Tuesday with the next part of the Sampler SAL!


  1. Another great pattern - hope you'll be able to stitch it soon!

  2. Hi! When will March's installment be out? Thanks!


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.