When I first started this SAL back in 2015 I wanted to make an ornament a
month for an entire year so at the end of it I'd have twelve ornaments
for my Christmas tree. I chose birthstones as my theme and then
discovered that which stones they are depends on where you live. So
instead of just picking one and leaving it at that for every month that
had more stones, I made more patterns! In the end I'd made nineteen patterns which I
tried to stitch twice every month - I didn't always manage.
The garland version |
The larger ornament version |
I have been very happy with these in my tree in the years since I made
them and in 2018 I decided to go for another round of Ornaments - this
time I offered the option to make little 3D pyramids, square or
triangular ornaments. The theme for my colour choices was rainbow.
Not many were finished but these are the few that are. |
As I didn't have much time I opted to do a square and a triangular
version, where I stitched the triangle twice and only did one side of
the square. Unfortunately this is one of the projects that got left by
the wayside and was part of my Finish it in 2019 SAL.
The first four ornaments of 2019 |
For 2019 they were square again... but with a difference - they had a
hole in the middle making them doughnut shaped! But like in 2018 I
gave you options to make it your unique embroidery, which I know many
people like. The theme for 2019 year was sparkle - each pattern
featured one DMC thread and one Kreinik as well as the usual French
knot, colonial knot, or beads.
The first six ornaments of 2020
For 2020 I yet again did a square shape... but then doubled so I had two squares, one hanging under the other. I continued with the one DMC, one Kreinik thread and
coordinating beads as I really enjoy the sparkle Kreinik gives and the
added texture of beads. The theme was colours of the month - many
sites offer different versions but I liked
this one as it gives options for multiple colours a month.
For 2021 I will again give options for the stitching and finishing - one is easier than the other, one uses more stitches than the other but the stitch count for both are the same. Note: one can be stitched closer together than the other if you are doing it all on the same fabric. This year I will again use one shade of Kreinik but I'll be using two shades of DMC. This year I'll be doing birthstones again but slightly differently from 2015 - in the months that have multiple birthstones I'll give one pattern and I'll give a conversion for the other stones so you can choose which one you want to do with no risk of ending up with nineteen ornaments instead of twelve unless you *want* to.
- This is a SAL to make twelve ornaments.
- The pattern has two options per ornament.
- Both options use a 39 x 39 stitch area.
- The pattern uses whole cross stitch, backstitch, French knots/Colonial knots/beads and occasionally other stitches based on groupings of straight stitches.
- There will be twelve monthly patterns.
- The pattern is given in three colours, one is a Kreinik thread the other two are DMC. It will be possible to use three DMC threads if preferred - I'll give a suggested other thread at the time.
- If a month has more than one birthstone I'll give additional colour options but only one pattern.
- All patterns are posted here on my blog.
- There is a Facebook group to share progress and talk about the project here.
- Patterns will be given every first Friday of the month - there will be a "calendar" in the side bar so you can see the exact dates, which will be added sometime in December after the last of the 2020 patterns.
- I will start on the 1st of January 2021 - if you are able to keep up you have twelve new ornaments by Christmas 2021! Admittedly life happens and so do other projects but the SAL will stay on this blog so you don't have to worry about the patterns vanishing. You can find the previous Ornament of the month posts linked here. The 2020 patterns will be added to that page after the final one has been posted.
- I have rounded up the numbers working from the actual size of the stitching to make sure you have enough fabric.
- Fabric amounts are given based on stitching over one bunch of Aida or over two threads of evenweave.
- Fabric amounts are given working on the basis that you will make the ornaments as I envisioned and so will stitch the front and use the same fabric for the back.
- If you are unsure of fabric as you don't yet know which version you will pick use the amounts for option B and you will be sure to have enough.
- Make sure you stitch the front and back ten stitches apart so you have sufficient seam allowance. If you follow one of the layouts you will be sure to have enough space between the parts, I will give the layouts using the backstitched lines you may need for assembly.
- If you are stitching everything on the same fabric and plan to assemble them all at the end you will need less fabric - I have given it below, this is based on leaving exactly ten stitches between each section.
- The backstitched outlines fall within the ten stitches between each part as that's part of the finishing. Four stitches seam allowance on each part is generally enough.
- The maximum area you need to stitch everything is 291 x 192 stitches (excluding 3" on each side for finishing), I will give a layout for this with the first pattern.
- If you decide to stitch over one you will of course need less fabric and floss.
- I have given 3 inches / 7.62 cm of fabric on each side for finishing.
- If you only want to stitch the front then you will need the lowest number for your fabric x that same number so you have a square.
- For example for 14ct you would then use a piece that is 8.8 inches square/22.5 cm square unless you are happy with less fabric on each side for finishing.)
- If you are only doing fronts and want to stitch them all on the same fabric then you will need 141 x 192 stitches - you will use half the layout mentioned above.
- To calculate fabric you need to take the full sized version width, take off 6 inches (which is needed for finishing), divide by 2 and add 6 inches (the finishing amount you took off before the calculation). Or use the calculator here.
- The height stays the same.
- If you wish to calculate the fabric for yourself based on your own plans, using width of fabric, or with less finishing space then this is a helpful tool.
Size in inches per ornament, option A:
- For 14ct Aida/28ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 5.6 inches x 2.9 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 12 inches x 9 inches.
- For 16ct Aida/32ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 4.9 inches x 2.5 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 11 inches x 8 1/2 inches.
- For 18ct Aida/36ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 4.4 inches x 2.2 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 10 1/2 inches x 8 1/2 inches.
- For 20ct Aida/40ct evenweave.
- The pattern is 4 inches x 2 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 10 inches x 8 inches.
Size in cm
per ornament, option A:
- For 14ct Aida/28ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 14.4 cm x 7.3 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 30cm x 23 cm.
- For 16ct Aida/32ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 12.5 cm x 6.3 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 28 cm x 22 cm.
- For 18ct Aida/36ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 11.1 cm x 5.6 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 27 cm x 21 cm.
- For 20ct Aida/40ct evenweave.
- The pattern is 10 cm x 5.1 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 26 cm x 21 cm.
Size in inches per ornament, option B:
- For 14ct Aida/28ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 6.3 inches x 2.8 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 12 1/2 inches x 9 inches.
- For 16ct Aida/32ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 5.5 inches x 2.4 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 11 1/2 inches x 8 1/2 inches.
- For 18ct Aida/36ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 4.9 inches x 2.2 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 11 inches x 8 1/2 inches.
- For 20ct Aida/40ct evenweave.
- The pattern is 4.2 inches x 2 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 10 1/2 inches x 8 inches.
Size in cm per ornament, option B:
- For 14ct Aida/28ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 16 cm x 7.1 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 32 cm x 23 cm.
- For 16ct Aida/32ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 14 cm x 6.2 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 30 cm x 22 cm.
- For 18ct Aida/36ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 12.4 cm x 5.5 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 28 cm x 21 cm.
- For 20ct Aida/40ct evenweave.
- The pattern is 11.1 cm x 4.9 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 27 cm x 21 cm.
Size in inches for all twelve ornaments stitched on the same fabric, option A:
- For 14ct Aida/28ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 16.8 inches x 13.1 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 23 inches x 19 1/2 inches.
- For 16ct Aida/32ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 14.7 inches x 11.5 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 21 inches x 17 1/2 inches.
- For 18ct Aida/36ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 13.1 inches x 10.2 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 19 1/2 inches x 16 1/2 inches.
- For 20ct Aida/40ct evenweave.
- The pattern is 11.8 inches x 9.2 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 19 inches x 15 1/2 inches.
Size in cm
for all twelve ornaments stitched on the same fabric, option A:
- For 14ct Aida/28ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 42.7 cm x 33.5 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 58 cm x 49 cm.
- For 16ct Aida/32ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 37.3 cm x 29.2 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 53 cm x 45 cm.
- For 18ct Aida/36ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 33.1 cm x 25.9 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 49 cm x 42 cm.
- For 20ct Aida/40ct evenweave.
- The pattern is 29.7 cm x 32.3 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 45 cm x 39 cm.
Size in inches for all twelve ornaments stitched on the same fabric, option B:
- For 14ct Aida/28ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 20.8 inches x 13.7 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 27 inches x 20 inches.
- For 16ct Aida/32ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 18.2 inches x 12 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 24 1/2 inches x 18 inches.
- For 18ct Aida/36ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 16.2 inches x 10.7 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 22 1/2 inches x 17 inches.
- For 20ct Aida/40ct evenweave.
- The pattern is 14.6 inches x 9.6 inches.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 21 inches x 16 inches.
Size in cm for all twelve ornaments stitched on the same fabric, option B:
- For 14ct Aida/28ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 52.9 cm x 34.9 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 69 cm x 52 cm.
- For 16ct Aida/32ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 46.2 cm x 30.5 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 62 cm x 46 cm.
- For 18ct Aida/36ct evenweave:
- The pattern is 41 cm x 27 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 57 cm x 43 cm.
- For 20ct Aida/40ct evenweave.
- The pattern is 36.8 cm x 24.3 cm.
- It requires a piece of fabric that is 53 cm x 40 cm.
- Floss is calculated based on using two strands over one (or two for evenweave).
- Skein amount is given for DMC floss which has six strands and eight metres long - if you use another brand you may need more floss.
- The amount given for Kreinik is based on their standard spool size.
- If you decide to stitch with one strand of floss over one fabric thread you will of course need less thread. You may also need to use a different weight of Kreinik. If you need help calculating this please do ask!
- As I've already used the DMC colours in the past you can fully plan ahead and choose your DMC colours just by peeking at the 2015 SAL posts.
Floss use
per ornament:
- For all sizes of fabric for pattern A you will need approximately:
- 0.1 skein of DMC floss as per the key for each month as it's released.
- 0.1 spool of Kreinik as per the key for each month as it's released.
- For 14ct #8 braid is best.
- For 16ct and 18ct #4 braid works nicely.
- For 20ct you may need to consider using blending filament.
- For all sizes of fabric for pattern B you will need approximately:
- 0.1 skein of DMC floss as per the key for each month as it's released.
- 0.2 spool of Kreinik as per the key for each month as it's released.
- For 14ct #8 braid is best.
- For 16ct and 18ct #4 braid works nicely.
- For 20ct you may need to consider using blending filament.
I hope you are as excited as I am to do this SAL - it will be easy to keep up with due to its smaller size which will mean you could do this alongside another SAL or large project. I hope to see many of you in the fb group as well as here! If you have any questions please do ask! Either here or in the fb group works (a mention will help me see the fb post!) and I'll answer ASAP!
So nice to see all of these together! What a history this SAL has. I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll cook up next year, I always liked the birthstone theme.
ReplyDeleteIt is! I can't wait to get them all on my tree this year! Next year is going to be fun!