Friday, 1 January 2021

2020/2021 NYE Mystery SAL - The Back and Final Post

Welcome to the final post of the NYE Mystery SAL! I want to thank you all for stitching along with me — sometimes literally as I wasn't always up to date with the SAL myself, but as you can see below I did manage to finish on time! I have had so much fun seeing all of your versions — and new people joining in now and then too! Furthermore, I hope to see many more of you jump in as you find the time in your busy schedules — the NYE Mystery SAL starting in the middle of the week certainly didn't help with having much time!
And this is what my completed NYE Mystery looks like!

You can find the pattern for the back here.

I do not expect anyone to be able to be up to date at all times during the SAL — you need to eat and sleep at the very least so expect to be “behind” part — if not all — of the time! It's part of the nature of this type of SAL for this to happen, so being “behind” is the normal state of affairs. If you are a slow stitcher expect to finish “after” the SAL has “finished” — though TBH the SAL is always available and new people find the patterns on a regular basis, so it's never really over.

On all social media sites the tag to use is: #NYEMysterySAL — let's make the world see what we are up to!

Have fun! I will be back later today with a few more posts — amongst which are the Ornament of the Month SAL and the Temperature SAL which both start today!


  1. Thank you - couldn't believe I caught up!

    1. You are welcome! I'm glad you were able to catch up! I do try and keep things doable with this, even if it's every four hours, so that you can catch up from doing important things like sleep.


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.