Friday, 4 December 2020

Ornament of the Month 2020 - December

Welcome to the twelfth and final Ornament of the Month for 2020! I hope you have had fun stitching these this year and can't wait to see yours! The good news is that this SAL will be returning in 2020 - with a new shape and an option for another one if you prefer. No dangly bits next year - unless you add a tassel! This month's colours of the month are Indigo, Green, and greenish-blue. As I've already done four shades of blue this year I decided not to go with Indigo and greenish-blue (aka teal) but instead I chose a nice dark Christmassy green.
And here is the ornament - there are just five beads on this - stitched on with giant cross stitches going through the hole twice (but you can stitch it on another way if you prefer). The smaller part of the ornament can be added in two ways - either pointing up as I have done here or pointing down. See what you like best before joining things together.
Here is a close up showing the bead attachment a little better.
These are the threads and beads that I used. From left to right: TOHO TR-11-36 Silver-Lined Green Emerald, Kreinik #4 Very Fine Braid 008L, DMC 699, and a matching craft thread.
And finally the "family photo" with all the ornaments of this year! I'm looking forward to adding these to my tree when I put it up in the next week or so. This is the first year I finished all of the ornaments in the year I hosted the SAL - I'm very pleased I managed it despite all that this year has thrown at me.
You can find the pattern here
You can find the construction tutorial here

Have a great weekend! I'll be back tomorrow with the next part of the Mini Magical Mystery SAL 17!


  1. That's a great one to finish off the year! How nice to see all of them together.

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad that this year I DID get to finish them all in the year they were a SAL!

  2. How do you sign up for the Monthly ornament SAL?


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