Tuesday, 22 December 2020

News: Update and More - December Edition

Happy December! It's been a tough year for many of us and December has been shaping up to make the usual celebrations we have more complicated and with fewer people than we may have liked. Unless of course you didn't like going to the family get-togethers, in which case you got a get out of jail free card for this year.

While I may still be a die hard Merry Christmas user, I generally only use it towards people I know celebrate Christmas and not as a general throw around remark. Here in the Netherlands they have always used “prettige feestdagen” which falls into the “Happy Holidays” category and can be used for everything at this time of year.

In case you are wondering about my health... I'm doing OK for the time of year, the cold damp winter weather usually sets off my rheumatism but that's normal for most people who have some type of rheumatism. I am however really feeling the daily posting at the moment, and I am looking forward to next year as a year of relative peace on the blog when I may even get to stitch on personal projects and catch up on WIPs that are heading towards UFO status (UnFinished Objects) before they actually make it that far.

To make sure you haven't missed any of the posts here is a round-up of what's new SAL wise for the remainder of this year and next year's SALs:
I hope that everyone who has donated over the years found the email I sent on my birthday with a surprise pattern — if not check the email address that's linked to your PayPal account! I sent the people who had donated multiple times this year on PayPal an extra pattern as well.

In the next day or so I'll be changing out the Ko-Fi pattern for a new one, it's been a while since I last did that. I'm planning on changing it more frequently next year. I'm also planning on changing up the PayPal pattern more often too, I'd ideally like to have a different pattern every month starting in January, but I’ll see how that goes.

As for what I spent the donations on...

Last Summer I bought the Jodyri Designs Advent Box using some of the donations and I have been blogging about it once a week this month. Here are the posts so far:

Jodyri Advent — Introduction
Jodyri Advent — Week 1
Jodyri Advent — Week 2
Jodyri Advent — Week 3

And then there is the usual set of fabrics and thread from Jodyri Designs which were kindly supported by the donations this autumn.
November Limited Edition 18ct Opal Aida and thread.
December — Greek 18ct Opal Aida
December — Roman 18ct Opal Aida

As you can see your support has made it possible for me to do things I would otherwise have not been able to do — without your donations I wouldn't able to buy the monthly Jodyri Designs fabrics and threads — or the occasional extra things. My slow response time is not due to me being ungrateful but more a sign that I'm out of energy and just not able to do anything extra.

I shall continue to do what I can when I can on top of the posts that I'll keep going. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making it possible for me to keep buying my monthly subscription fabrics and more!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. I can imagine you are looking forward to a quieter 2021, but you did amazing holding up this year with all the SALs going on :)

    1. I am indeed! To be honest I'm not sure how I've managed — though yesterday my body slammed on the brakes and made it impossible for me to do anything much.


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.