Thursday, 24 December 2020

NFSAL 2020 - December

Welcome to the final part of this year's NFSAL posts! It's been a fun year for this SAL, though I haven't been able to stitch them as often as I'd liked. Carla Eldridge was going to do the stitching this year but work and corona got in the way of her being able to keep up, so I did the best I could when I could. Next year I'll be doing the stitching myself because corona is still out there and Carla is still working really hard so doesn't have the time. I hope Carla does find stitching time soon, it's good for the soul!
For my own sanity I decided to use a computer generated image this time rather than also trying to stitch the NFSAL in the week before Christmas. Not as pretty as the real thing but certainly better than no image at all.

You can download the pattern here.

Have fun stitching and see you SUNDAY for the next part of the Mini Magical Mystery SAL 18!


  1. Another great SAL brought to a great end! You're on a roll!

    1. Thank you! That was the final year-long SAL that has been finished, well... except for the temperature SAL. :)


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.