Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Weavers Animals Band Sampler SAL - Part 12

Welcome to the twelfth and final part of the Weavers Animals Band Sampler SAL! This month both patterns have the same stitch count. You may have noticed that I haven't planned a Weavers SAL for next year - this is because I feel that I've taken all the nice/fun patterns available for this and what's left isn't really something I feel I can make a fun SAL with. Considering it was meant as a one off, three years isn't too bad an end result! It's been a fun SAL to host but it's time to end the series and move on to other things. That said if you want to look for yourself and perhaps make your own version for next year by all means do so! You can find all of the Weavers Patterns on the antique pattern library.
If you are stitching the standard size then yours will look like this once you have finished stitching this month's pattern.
If you are stitching the small size then yours will look like this after stitching this month's pattern.

Please note that the border section and a bit of last month's pattern have been coloured grey/given a diamond symbol in the pattern so you can easily see what the new section of pattern is.

Part 12 full sized - Black and White can be downloaded here
Part 12 full sized - Colour can be downloaded here

Part 12 small - Black and White can be downloaded here
Part 12 small - Colour can be downloaded here

Have fun! I'll be back in a bit with the Temperature SAL and tomorrow with the next part of the Mini Magical Mystery SAL 17 and the Advent SAL part 1!

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