Saturday, 5 December 2020

Mini Magical Mystery SAL 17 - Part 6

Welcome back for day six of the seventeenth round of mini mystery stitching! I'm busy getting all the things ready so I can do the final posts of the year for them (or final posts in some cases) and I continue to be so glad this mystery SAL is so easy to keep up with as I can pick it up and get it done within 15 minutes and set it aside to do more of whatever I was planning to get done that day. I'm on schedule at the moment and hope to keep it that way - there's a lot to finish before I can start the things for the new year! But for now on to the mini mystery...
This is what mine looks like after stitching part five.

You can find today's pattern here.

Have fun and I'll be back tomorrow with the next part of the Mini Magical Mystery SAL 17!

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