Thursday 23 April 2020

Mini Magical Mystery SAL 3 - Part 11

Welcome back for day eleven of the third round of mystery stitching! Today's progress to the grand finale is going to add to what you did yesterday. Did you see that there will be a fourth Mini Magical Mystery SAL? You can check it out here! My loaf yesterday went well, I was a bit nervous as I was using some of the yeast that I'd frozen because the half pound block I'd managed to get my hands on was, of course, too much to use in one go so I put most in the freezer in little 2 oz. packages.
It grew nicely and filled the pie dish I'd used as the mould this time. No bread picture tomorrow, the weekly shopping delivery happened and I'd ordered bread - I get a day off!
This is what my day ten stitching looks like.

You can find the pattern here

Have fun and I'll be back tomorrow with the next part of the Mini Magical Mystery SAL 3 and the NFSAL for April!

1 comment:

  1. Wow I'm impressed by all this bread baking! I bought some lovely sourdough bread baked locally that was just amazing, I have no baking skills myself xD I would want to learn one day tho!


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