Thursday 11 June 2020

Mini Magical Mystery SAL 7 - Part 4

Welcome back for day four of the seventh round of mystery stitching! I'm a bit late as I hit a technical snag but it's all sorted now. I've seen a few more finishes and some beautiful starts post in the Facebook group! It's wonderful to see your stitching too - so inspiring! Thank you to all of you who have posted pictures over the past weeks, I really appreciate you taking the time to do so.
This is what mine looks like after stitching day three. It took a bit of counting to get it right but it was worth the extra time double checking things as I did get it aligned correctly the first time.

You can find today's pattern here.

Have fun and I'll be back tomorrow with the next part of the Mini Magical Mystery SAL 7 and the Bookmark SAL for June! 

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