Monday, 31 July 2017

Christmas in July: Day 31 - Snow White

Welcome to the last day of the Christmas in July freebies! I can't believe I made it, it's been a lot of work, especially with me going off on holiday in the middle of it all. I hope you have enjoyed the patterns! Please do leave a message if you have started - or completed one or more of the patterns, you don't need to have an account anywhere to comment, though to share a photo you will need somewhere to host the image if you don't have a blog etc. to share it on.

This pattern was inspired by the Mucha princess patterns Pinky the Pink has made, this one uses the colours of Snow White which you can find here (if it hasn't sold out yet as it's a limited edition pattern). Pinky's etsy shop can be found here with more princesses and much, much more!

Snow White uses Kreinik 002 gold in #4 Very Fine Braid and 158 gold seed beads, though you could replace the seed beads with French knots (but that would mean 158 French knots and that's a LOT of them!)

Many people think that blended colours are scary and this pattern lets you try it out. Blended colours are a lot easier than it sounds! All you need is one strand of each colour called for and use them as if they are a single colour - that's it! Nothing else, no hidden tricks or anything. As long as you are careful about which colours you grab you will be fine!

You can find the pattern here

I'll see you Wednesday for my weekly WIP Wednesday post!


  1. So pretty! I was going to start her fob soon, but I think I'll need to do the stocking as well.

    1. Thank you! Oh that would be wonderful! I do hope you get time to do them both!


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.