Monday, 31 July 2017

Christmas in July: Day 31 Bonus - Silver and Grey

You didn't think you were finished already did you? Ha! I had one more pattern up my sleeve and thought I'd surprise you with it now. This one was inspired by one of the Ornament of the Month patterns I did 2 years ago: April

The backstitched pattern was done on dark grey cross stitches with some lighter grey cross stitches in between and on the cuff. It has 155 inches of backstitch if you do both sides of the stocking, but it has no beads, blended threads or metallics. You could always use dark grey or black fabric and only do the other coloured cross stitches and backstitch.

The ornament looks like this stitched, you can see why I chose to use a darker background as it really makes the stitches pop better.

You can find this, the final pattern here

Now I really will see you on Wednesday for the WIP Wednesday blog post, this really was the last pattern. Friday's freebie will be one of the 3 princesses that I haven't given a fob pattern for - which one I don't know yet - that is just as much a surprise for me as it is for you at this moment.


  1. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog post. Love your stitching! Val

    1. I'm running a bit behind with answering things, sorry about that. You are welcome! and thank you :D

  2. And a last very beautiful stocking! I always liked that ornament, although the backstitch is a real killer on this one....

    1. Thanks! It is a beautiful ornament and I still don't know how I made two of them!


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.