Saturday, 1 July 2017

Christmas in July: Day 1 - Red Gold and Green

Welcome to the first day of 31 where I give a free stocking pattern for you to (eventually) stitch! The good news is that I don't expect you to be able to stitch every single one during July! If you make the complete pattern for today, with left and right facing stockings you would stitch 2682 stitches and 38 inches of backstitch. Or just 1341 stitches and 19 inches of backstitch if you did just the one, but both are too much for most people to stitch in a day.

I have been so busy setting all of the patterns up, and designing enough once I'd decided on doing one every day, that I have not really had much time to stitch, with the result that the hoped for completed example is not as finished as I'd like - in fact not even the first stocking is finished.
However you can see what it looks like colour wise though sadly it will never show the incredible sparkle of the Kreinik I used. The colours I used are: DMC 666 and 669, and Kreinik 002J #4 Very Fine Braid.
Last of all is an impression of what it looks like when completely stitched.

You can find the pattern here

I'll see you tomorrow for the next instalment!


  1. That's a lovely first stocking in such nice and Christmassy colours :)

    1. Thank you! I thought I'd start with a traditional colour scheme and then go off on the many other colours I have chosen for this :)


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