Saturday 21 December 2019

2019/2020 NYE Mystery SAL - Pre-stitch part 2

Welcome to the second part of the NYE Mystery SAL - pre-stitch part 2! If you found my blog in time and had enough in your stash (or have been out shopping) you are all set to get things started for the NYE Mystery SAL! If you have just found my blog and don't have a clue what's going on start reading here where you will find the fabric and thread requirements as well as when the SAL proper starts. You still have a week to get ready for the big event so it's not too late!

I have added a new Mystery SAL Tips page to my blog to help you with the SAL.

Being the spoilsport I am, I won't be sharing any pictures on this blog till the next part so that the first time you see what the next part looks like is when you open the pattern PDF. This means that you won't see a picture of this part till I post the next.

Don't forget to mark your embroidery in some way so you know what the right way up is before stitching! Many people have managed to turn their embroidery 90 degrees between stitching sessions and had to rip before continuing - I know I have! 
This is what my version looks like after stitching part one. Since I have iffy eyes at best I don't enjoy stitching with light on white if I can avoid it so I chose a dark fabric this time. I'm using the threads as per the pattern. There is a lot of empty space to fill still... it's going to be so much fun doing this!

DET stands for DMC EToile - when making the palette for Etoile in PCStitch I wasn't allowed to re-use DMC as a code so I had to pick something else.

Colour used this time:

  • Colour E (DET C Blanc (white) on the pattern)
Number of stitches:
  • 72 - in Colour E
You can find the pattern here

See you for the next part of the mystery on December 27th (check the information post for the exact time) and have fun!

On all social media sites the tag to use is: #NYEMysterySAL - let's make the world see what we are up to!

PS: Don't forget you can ask all your questions in the comments below and there is a Facebook group to share your stitching results etc. which you can find here

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