Monday 6 July 2020

Mini Magical Mystery SAL 8 - Final Post

Welcome back for the final post of the eighth Mini Magical Mystery SAL! Don't worry it's not over - the Mini Magical Mystery SAL 9 starts in an hour! This post is just a final post showing my stitching of part fourteen and it added to the ever growing chain.  I do hope you all had fun! I have loved seeing your stitching in the Facebook group! (Remember these are mysteries so belong in the Mystery group, even if you are also a member of the main SAL group).
This is what mine looked like after stitching part fourteen... and then I saw the error...
It's been there since part ten. Words were said about me not keeping to the same quadrant with my thread this time but going to what was closest each time - this meant I had no idea which thread was linked to the error and I'd have to rip it all or leave it. I decided it was small enough that I didn't notice for five days of stitching and once on the chain and on the wall it would be more or less invisible so I'm leaving it.
And here it is all finished and on the chain.
And here is the chain - It's been a wet weekend so I didn't take them outside to photograph this time.
Here are the backs so you can see the fabrics I used a little better.
These are the threads and seed beads used this time. The plain orange was used for the backstitched outline and finishing and is DMC 3340, I used Jodyri Designs 094/. Green Eyed Monster for the main stitching. I didn't include the green craft thread that I'm using for the cording this time. I used TOHO TR-11-156 "Ceylon Jade" size 11 seed beads for the edges, they look quite dark in the box but if you look above you will see that once used they are quite a bit lighter.

I'll be back in an hour with the first part of the ninth Mini Magical Mystery SAL!

1 comment:

  1. Your chain is growing to long and beautiful - and gave me some inspiration on how to finish my next couple of SALs, too!


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.