Friday 11 September 2020

Mini Magical Mystery SAL 12 - Part 12

Welcome back for day twelve of the twelfth round of mystery stitching! After today's part there are just two more parts left of this SAL! The next one starts on Monday - I'll get the pattern designed and the information post up asap - the size will be the same as always and the thread amounts similar too so it's just the start and end dates that are different.
This is what mine looks like after stitching part eleven. The more I see this pattern stitched the more I feel it would look great in reverse - so stitching the blank areas instead of the marked ones. I'll give the pattern for that on Monday with the final post of this SAL in case you feel the same and prefer to use a pattern.

You can find today's pattern here.

Have fun and I'll be back in about ten hours with the Bookmark SAL and tomorrow with the next part of the Mini Magical Mystery SAL 12!

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