Tuesday 1 January 2019

2018/2019 NYE Mystery SAL Part 11

Welcome back for part eleven of the 2018/2019 NYE Mystery SAL!

First of all:  
Happy New Year!

While some of you may already be enjoying the new day of the New Year when this post is published it will be midnight for me so I'm just starting the New Year.

Part ten was a nice easy stitch but part eleven is quite a few stitches more. Most are easy as it's just adding to the border (bet you didn't think I was going back there!) and there are some stitches with the same colour in the central area as well.
Here you can see what my part ten looks like. The backstitching is a bit fuzzy due to me using the DMC Etoile threads which are naturally fuzzy/wavy. The thread also broke quite a lot so I got annoyed with the thread and put the embroidery aside for a bit, resulting in me stitching part ten along with all of you!

Colour used this time:

  • Colour B (809 on the pattern)
Number of stitches:
  • 128 - all in Colour B
You can find the pattern here

See you in four hours (or so if you need more time to stitch this part) and have fun!

Don't worry! If you need to do things like sleep, feed the hungry hordes, be social etc. etc. the parts will still be there when you get back! I don't remove patterns from my blog and they stay free! Remember that being "behind" is pretty normal, especially if you haven't had time to stitch due to life's things that need doing.

On all social media sites the tag to use is:  #nyemysterysal - let's make the world see what we are up to!

PS: Don't forget you can ask all your questions in the comments below and there is a Facebook group to share your stitching results etc. which you can find here


  1. Happy New Year to you also! I hope to get 6-10 complete before the next installment.

    1. Thank you! That would be amazing progress - I hope you manage that :D


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.