Sunday, 1 November 2020

Mini Magical Mystery SAL 16 - Part 7

Welcome back for day seven of the sixteenth round of mystery stitching! This is also the final day of patterns for this SAL - I'll be back one more time to show my completed mystery tomorrow (an hour earlier than usual). I hope you had fun stitching! I can't wait to see the results of your mystery stitching - and which version you decide to do (see below)!  Don't forget the Autumn Magical Mystery SAL starts today and the post will be up soon it if isn't already up.
This is what mine looks like after stitching part six.
Part seven this time is special! It is pretty huge for this type of mystery, mostly because the mystery was so short and it wanted to become bigger than I could fit in. So I decided to let YOU choose how much of it you wanted to stitch! The options:
  1. You don't stitch today's part at all and leave it as is.
  2. You stitch the centre shape of each section and skip the rest.
  3. You stitch the side shapes of each section and skip the central one.
  4. You stitch it all.
It's entirely up to you! I can't wait to see what you decide! I'll be showing pictures of option three and four tomorrow. I can't show you option two as I didn't want to stitch that bit, then rip it again just for a single picture, I had a feeling you'd understand not wanting to rip.

You can find today's pattern here.
Have fun and I'll be back shortly with the first part of the Autumn Magical Mystery SAL, in about ten hours with the Temperature SAL, tomorrow with the final post of the Mini Magical Mystery SAL 16 AND the second post of the Autumn Magical Mystery SAL! Oh and... I'll be posting the first of the information posts for next year tomorrow as well!

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