Thursday, 2 January 2020

Seasons SAL - Winter

Welcome to the winter edition of the Seasons SAL! A bit later than planned but I had some teething issues with the Temperature SAL that needed sorting out properly first - it's my first time doing something that's very specific and I had to learn how to do it properly. I also had all these plans for showing off a stitched, finished item but of course I also thought I had a time machine and could do more stitching than there were hours in the day - with the NYE Mystery SAL only finishing at lunchtime today I just didn't have time to do more than collapse for a bit, make the New Year's post, the Temperature SAL post, watch Doctor Who, and now this.

This time you get a winter's scene with the sunrise/sunset starting on the right hand side. Because it's darkish the snow looks more blue than white. I plan to use DMC C519 for mine as that will make the snow sparkle a bit, like it does in real life.
These are the threads that are used in the pattern - if you don't have an exact match just look in your stash and find something that works - or change the colour to one you prefer! It's perfectly ok to make the sky using some blues and make the sun more yellow - you just get a daytime scene instead.
Although this is a full coverage piece I'll be using this wonderful fabric from Jodyri Designs for my stitching as I can then frame it with a bit of the fabric showing and it will perfectly coordinate with the stitching as you can see from the skeins showing to the left. When I saw it in my advent package I knew that this was the fabric I was waiting for!

You can find the pattern here

I'll see you tomorrow for the final Finish It In... 2019 post and Friday with the Ornament of the Month!


  1. Replies
    1. Oh awesome! I'd love to see yours when it's stitched!

  2. That's a really neat pattern! I might wait for the other parts to release, though, and play a little around with how to arrange them.

    1. Thank you! That is a good idea if you are uncertain. I will probably do mine as a cube with plain fabric on the top and bottom :)


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