Sunday 17 November 2019

Autumn Mystery SAL 2019 - Part 15

Welcome to the fifteenth part of the Autumn Mystery SAL 2019! This is the last part of the SAL if you are only stitching one side, if you aren't then keep tuned as there are two more posts to follow! If you are keep tuned too - I'll be showing my part 15 in the next post and the back in the last post for this SAL - who knows... you might like it!
This is my version stitched up to part fourteen. With the line on the edge and the centre completed it's looking just about finished! Now where do the last 72 stitches go? And what about the backstitches mentioned in the information post? Go look at the pdf to find out!

Remember to check the information sheet on the pattern for pointers as to where new stitches are added and count carefully!

Colours used this time:

  • Colour A (DMC 730 on the pattern)
  • Colour B (DMC 782 on the pattern)
  • Colour D (DMC 3853 on the pattern)
Number of stitches:
  • 8 backstitches - in Colour A
  • 40 - in Colour B
  • 32 - in Colour D
For a total of 72 cross stitches and 8 backstitches for this part.
Time I needed to stitch this part: 31 minutes.

You can find the pattern here

I'll see you for the back for the mystery in four hours! Have fun!

On all social media sites the tag to use is: #AutumnMagicalMysterySAL - let's make the world see what we are up to!

I do not expect anyone to be able to be up to date at all times during the SAL - you need to eat and sleep at the very least so expect to be "behind" part - if not all - of the time! It's part of the nature of this type of SAL for this to happen, so being "behind" is the normal state of affairs. If you are a slow stitcher expect to finish "after" the SAL has "finished" - though tbh the SAL is always available and new people find the patterns on a regular basis so it's never really over.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! Either here or in the Facebook group or, if you prefer, you can DM me on Twitter or Instagram (@magical525 on both)

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