Monday 24 December 2018

Freebie: Christmas Trees

Happy Christmas Eve! I hope all the last minute things are going to plan - or at least more to plan than mine as I have discovered that my dinner plans for tonight have to change as the thing I ordered from the supermarket is not available any more (never mind that I ordered 10 days ago!). I guess I will have to enter a shop to sort it out. Back to the reason for this post: Another pre-Christmas freebie! This time a Christmas tree filled with Christmas trees - perfect for using up bits of leftover floss as each tree is only 28 stitches in total.

I don't think you will have time to finish this before Christmas itself but perhaps it will be a nice easy stitch in-between everything else when you have some downtime.

You can find the pattern here

Have a Merry Christmas if you celebrate it - if you don't I hope you have a wonderful day! I will be back tomorrow with a very special post and hope you take a moment to check it out as I have something special planned.


  1. Thank you - I'll enjoy working on this just now.
    Merry Christmas!

    1. You are welcome! Have fun stitching and a Merry Christmas to you as well :)

  2. Eek! I'm glad you survived entering a shop on Christmas Eve. Thanks for the wonderful tree!

    1. You and me both! Fortunately the self check out area was pretty deserted so I didn't have a long queue to wait for and was in and out of the shop in 10 minutes :D You are welcome!


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.