Wednesday, 10 January 2018

WIP Wednesday

This was as far as I'd gotten with stitching this last week - obviously as it's a weekly update SAL you will see it posted every time the pattern is released but what most of you don't know is that I'm planning on getting to the point where I'm a few weeks ahead in case my health decides to get in the way of stitching. While I can post pictures that are spoiler free I will do so but otherwise it will be hidden.

This is where I got last night - just a tiny bit added to the current pattern that everyone can get.
Last week the NYE Mystery SAL back looked like this - since then I've finished both it and finish finished it into a biscornu.

The Randje per week started up again this last Friday night, and of course I had to stitch it right away!
I'm doing mine on a 12cm / 5 inch wide 14ct Aida band that has a stitching area of 54 stitches wide which means my stitching area is a few stitches under half the pattern offered.  This means I have to get creative now and then to adjust the pattern to the space available, just like I did last year but sightly less drastically in this case. My colours for the year are all DMC color Variations:

That's all I worked on this week stitching wise as I also had Christmas stuff to tidy up and a sick child to deal with - and it looks like I'm next in line for the illness too.

One thing that I am also working on is updating parts of my blog:
  • My WIP page was very out of date - so much so that everything there ended up on the UFO page! I'm in the process of making it more up to date.
  • My UFO page got expanded as mentioned above.
  • My 2017 finishes page needs a few things added.
  • I already added a 2018 finishes page and changed the copyright date in the footer - if you have a blog and have the copyright date in the footer don't forget to update this too!

I'll be back Friday with my weekly freebie!

I don't normally edit my blog posts to add stuff but I realised I'd completely forgotten about the Randje per Week! So I added that.


  1. You had a busy week. If all the designing you do, sometimes I'm surprised you get any stitching done at all :)

    1. It was busy, yes :) The designing takes a lot less time than fiddling around making stuff work ;)


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.