Sunday, 8 March 2015

Celtic Wolf - WIP post 21

Friday's ripping can be seen above when my stitch count went backwards instead of forwards, which was disappointing however yesterday I was able to make up for it and more! I didn't get to start stitching till the afternoon and it was slow going at first as I kept on getting disruptions and the documentary I was watching in the background was a bit too interesting so I forgot to stitch - not quite the point of background viewing. Once I switched to music in the evening things went better and I soon finished all of the dark green in the face. Next up I started on the lighter green to fill it all in - this was nice high speed stitching as I didn't have to count and could just stitch. I can't really say when the super high speed stitching started but once I'd finished the greens I was at 779 stitches and far too curious to see the colour of the mask next to the eye and face to stop straight away.
The Coptic Copper holographic Kreinik thread had been insisting it got used on this embroidery and so I changed the planned DMC E301 to it and started stitching. Now that I have more or less mastered stitching with Kreinik #4 braid things went smoothly and I was able to stitch about as fast as I do with normal thread. I had started at the bottom and then gone up the right hand side first, when I'd reached the top I stopped to mark where I'd been and see where I was on stitch count - I was at 916 and not really tired so decided to see if I was able to make the 1000 mark - not something I'd ever done in a day and I thought it unlikely that I'd ever get to this point again.

I did 3 more lengths of the Kreinik and decided to stop and check again - I was amazed! I'd reached 1001 stitches and it felt like a lot less hard work than the time I'd done 852 stitches. I am very happy I was able to reach this point, even though it meant going to bed at silly o'clock as it completely made up for the lack of work friday. I have another 23 days left to stitch this and around 9000 stitches left, some of which will be replaced with beads which is probably going to be slower to do.

Stitches done:1001
Total stitches: 8963
Total backstitches: 42.76 inches

See you tomorrow!


  1. Replies
    1. I am amazed too - never expected to be able to stitch so much in one day!

  2. A thousand stitches - madness! But such pretty madness! :D


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