Saturday, 14 February 2015

Celtic Wolf - WIP post 3

Above is the daily reminder photo of where I was the day before. I was at 1203 stitches when I started stitching yesterday and it was a really good stitching day too! I did a bit of the background to see what it would look like, including over 2 cross stitches "back stitching" which looked better than the normal over 1 for this particular design. I also got a chunk more of the black outlines done so I have some area's where I can go full on berserker stitcher and rack up the stitches. To top it all of I also managed to complete the section of silver I had started the day before

In total I did 852 stitches yesterday! Not sure how though lol. This brings the total to 2055 stitches which is just over 11% not bad for 4 days stitching.

I'll be back tomorrow with another update, though probably with less stitches completed this time hehe.


  1. Beautiful, and going so quickly too!

    1. Thank you :) I seem to be in Berserker mode at the moment, which is a good thing too :)

  2. I love the blue stitches. Are those big 'X's you have there?

    1. Thanks :) Yes, done with 4 large backstitches :)

  3. The tea must have been incredibly good that day! Tee hee!


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