Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Celtic Wolf - WIP post 13

Sunday I somehow managed to do quite a bit - probably due to my bf encouraging me to do a bit more every time I wanted to stop. Yesterday was not so productive - it was a busy day for me with bf leaving after his visit and making my fish pie as dinner so he'd not get hungry before he got home after travelling. I didn't really get any stitching time in till after I'd dropped him off at the station.
I did however do 147 stitches in the end in the gold area - bf travelling proved to be a bit of a distraction and I was so very tired.
This morning my SHINY Kreinik thread finally arrived! What you see here from left to right is: 001J - Japan Silver, 001L - Solar Silver, 021L - Coptic Copper and 021HL - Copper High Lustre. It only took a week to get from the UK but when you want something so you can keep stitching it seems to take forever - you can guess where today's progress will be hehe.

Stitches done: 147
Total stitches: 5340
Total backstitches: 42.76 inches

See you tomorrow!


  1. I understand you where distracted yesterday, but now and with your new threads there's no excuse anymore to not get it cracking and finish this hoop section soon! :D

    1. I'm doing my best! Kreinik has it's own challenges and I need to get used to how to use it best without the braid unbraiding while I work.

  2. LOVELY!! Now the excitement mounts once again as you blaze onwards!

    1. Thanks! I had a good evening of stitching yesterday :D

  3. Very pretty ... I hope you can spend more time on it and get the metallic threads under control.

    1. Thanks :) Now my bf has gone home I will have more time. Yeah metallics are temperamental to use, Kreinik even more so when one is learning how to stitch with it - I think I'm starting to get the hang of it though :)


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