Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Celtic Wolf - WIP post 7

When I started yesterday I was at 3598 stitches. I didn't expect to get much done as it was pancake day and I was expecting 5 additional kids to invade my house and play till it was time to stuff themselves with pancakes. I was right too. First I lost my chair to the kids wanting to play board games (YAY!) at the dining room table, sadly the kids didn't seem to have either volume control buttons OR indoor voices so I managed to gain a lovely case of half a dozen gnomes drilling into my head. I retreated to the sofa to do a bit that I didn't need to be at my Nerd Central Command (NCC for short) for but soon lost that place as well to my eldest's friends, so I gave up and made a double batch of pancake batter from scratch. Apparently this is unusual as none of the younger kids have seen their parents do it like this. I did eventually get my NCC seat back but even though I put headphones on to listen to music I was not really able to concentrate as the noise almost overpowered the safe levels of sound from my headphones.

4 pints of milk (2 litres) , 2 pounds of flour (900 grams), 2 tablespoons of cocoa and 8 eggs later I was exhausted having made over 30 pancakes, some of which I'd made into chocolate pancakes with the cocoa (best eaten with a sprinkling of sugar and fresh orange juice). By the time the last of the kids had gone home I'd barely done 30 stitches + a bit of the XL backstitching in the blue area, which isn't counted in the stitch count.
Somehow in the evening I perked up enough to do a whole lot more, all in black as I worked on doing the outlines on the cheeks and lower jaw. With the Kreinik threads on the way I want to see how much I can complete before it gets here so I can hopefully get going with them straight away. I want to postpone re-hooping for a long as possible.

My total stitch count for the day was 488 stitches which brings the total to 4086 - not bad for a week's work.

My average stitch count this week was 568, which is 140 more than the minimum average I need to finish on time.

See you tomorrow with my next instalment.


  1. You are just killing it with this piece. Great job!

  2. I second what Suz said! This is really utterly amazing!

  3. Looking great; with the jaw line there you can reall imagine the dimensions of the piece now :)

    1. Thanks! Yes it's a lot more clear now what's going on - I had thought the jaw was going to be bigger next to the neck area which is why I had not done it sooner.


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