Thursday, 12 February 2015

Celtic Wolf - WIP post 1

The Deviant Art group Stitching Pirates is having a competition with tribal and totemic as the theme. I spent some time looking around trying to find something I liked to stitch and finally found an amazing Celtic wolf line art image, the artist was amazingly kind and let me use her artwork to make a pattern for myself. As the image was only the lines this gave me a lot of freedom as to how to fill in all the spaces as just lines for a cross stitch is boring. I decided to go down the route of illuminated manuscripts and let them inspire me with the colours and fill in patterns. So I will be using lots of metallics, some interesting patterns from manuscripts done in normal DMC floss and for that extra bling some beads too. I found some amazing Dragon scale beads (manufacturer is All Beads ) that I will be using and I'm considering some rose petal beds too.

 I started this project a couple of days ago but didn't really do much as I was tired and had a busy day. The starting point for yesterday is 101 stitches which you can see in the photo above.

The fabric I'm working on is white 18ct Aida that I hand dyed with Dylon velvet black dye which resulted in a grey slightly splotchy fabric.

Yesterday I got my skates on and did a lot - 663 stitches to be exact, 396 of them using DMC 310 black and the rest using DMC E168. The bit I'm working on is a woven section and I hope to get my hands on some 001L - Solar Silver or 001HL - Silver High Lustre Kreinik #4 braid so I can have 2 different silvers in this area.

As this project is huge and I need to finish it by the end of March I need to focus on this project and keep progress going so I am using my tried and tested method of posting my progress every day in an attempt to make sure I do enough every day. My goal is to do at least 428 stitches a day to make sure I finish in time. I will be back tomorrow with today's progress.


  1. Your progress looks very beautiful so far and I'm kind of tempted to whip out some metalics myself...but since none of my projects use them, I'll have to wait a bit more. I love your idea of daily progress pictures, really looking forward to all of them :)

  2. Thanks :D metallics are so pretty but can be challenging to stitch with when they decide to play hard to use.

  3. Those beads will look amazing on it once you're done. Can't wait to see the rest of it.

    1. Yes, I auditioned them on the first section I finished and it looked amazing - and they will be used on a really large section that curves all along the outer edge :)

  4. Replies
    1. Sorry for the slow reply. The more I work on this the more I love it and I keep wanting to do more to see how it will look after I do this bit or that bit. It's been a long time since I've managed to do this much stitching every day for more than a day or two :)

  5. I'm so far behind on my blog reading, but LOVE that you started a daily! No need to reply as I KNOW where you are!


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.