Saturday, 29 February 2020

The Spring Magical Mystery SAL 2020 - Pre-stitch Part 2

Welcome to the second pre-stitch of the Spring Mystery SAL! At this point I would normally be showing my part one but having marked out today as my stitching day for part one and having sat down to do it I discovered I was completely unable to count and have had to rip out almost as  much as I have stitched today. I'm sure you have all been there before (and have worn the T-shirts out too) so I'm pretty certain you can understand when I only show the (miscounted) start of my stitching.

Friday, 28 February 2020

NFSAL 2020 - February

Welcome to the second of this year's NFSAL posts! This month my model stitcher for this SAL, Carla Eldridge, was unable to stitch this month's pattern in time so I'm showing a computer generated image instead. It's still very pretty and is just full cross stitches this month! I have seen some lovely versions of the January pattern showing up in the Facebook group and elsewhere already! They are so beautiful!

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

A Blackwork Christmas - February

Welcome to the second of the A Blackwork Christmas SAL posts! This month I've made things difficult for you! I have made two designs each with an additional option! You can choose to add French knots or beads to the stocking this time! And... like last time I have made a second pdf with the optional spot to add a date/initials. So many choices! Fortunately the stockings don't take long to make so you can made more than one quite easily!

Friday, 21 February 2020

35 x 35 for 2020 - February

Welcome to the second 35 x 35 for 2020! I'm not back into the rhythm of stitching yet so the model I was stitching isn't even close to being finished but at least the post itself is more or less on the time I want it to be posted. I was inspired by the first colours of spring in my garden - the yellow crocuses I love so much.

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Easy Christmas Cards SAL - February

Welcome to the second part of the Easy Christmas Cards SAL! I'm running late again, as seems to be the norm lately - hopefully I'll be able to get back on schedule more frequently now that my fiancé is off back to his job abroad -  I waved him off to the airport earlier and then realised I still had a card to stitch and make! Good thing this card is a quick one to make!

Monday, 17 February 2020

An Extra Post... Valentines Day Road Trip

As you may have seen on Friday with my rather late Bookmark SAL post, I went on a road trip with my fiancé. One of the places we ended up was the bead shop I usually order from online - it's a bit too far away for me to physically go to normally but we were in the area so I couldn't resist dropping by despite the fact that it was 15 minutes to closing time! The shop in question is Wirwar Kralen which is located up north from me near Leiden. I'd seen pictures on their website showing the shop and was convinced that it looked so big because of a fisheye lens or something - I was wrong (and very glad to be so wrong!) the place is HUGE! Not just large but actually HUGE.

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Ornament of the Month 2020 - February

Welcome to the second Ornament of the month for 2020! I'm sorry this is late but as you may remember I was ill and couldn't post it at the time. I had planned to sit down and write this last night but I fell asleep on the sofa and didn't wake till gone 1 am so decided it was best to leave it for today.

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Bookmark SAL - February

Welcome to the second part of the Bookmark SAL! Unfortunately it is late - this time because I went on a road trip with my fiancé who is finally home from working abroad (He spoiled me rotten - with any luck I'll have time to say more about it in another post) We got back about 30 minutes ago so I'm not making you wait any longer than absolutely necessary.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Blackwork SAL 2020 - February

Welcome to the second part of the 2020 Blackwork SAL! As time has gone by since the first post I have seen more people deciding which shape to go with - it's so fun seeing how people are choosing to work! Remember that the squares and octagons have fewer shapes to fill so don't get too carried away with filling shapes or you will run out of space before November!

Monday, 10 February 2020

Weavers Animals Band Sampler SAL - Part 2

Welcome to the second part of the Weavers Animals Band Sampler SAL! I'm sorry this is so much later than it was supposed to be. As the people in the Facebook group know I got hit by a tummy bug last week Tuesday and had to go to the ER as I'm diabetic and wasn't even able to keep water down so was also getting close to being dehydrated. I'm doing better now so am finally getting round to posting the missing posts from last week. Like last month this month's pattern is for both the normal and smaller sized patterns so I'm only giving each pattern once. Next month that will change but that's for next month.

Saturday, 1 February 2020

Temperature SAL - February

Welcome to the second Temperature SAL post! This time is an update post so I'll be showing you some pictures of my own progress. In case you missed the post in the fb group: with the start of the second row you need to work in a slightly different order - I have added some diagrams to the January post showing this. I didn't add them to the post straight away as I noticed some people were confused enough already and a second diagram might have caused even more confusion.