Thursday, 1 March 2018

Spring Magical Mystery SAL: Pre-stitch 1

A new SAL and a new banner - of course I couldn't use the current mystery as that would be a spoiler hehe. Welcome to the first pre-stitch for the Spring Mystery! Hopefully you have all picked 6 colours already and remembered to mark them A - F according to the list given in the first post: The Next Mystery SAL: The Spring Mystery. If not, now would be a good time to do so as the patterns are probably not in the colours you picked so it will be easier to remember what is what by the time the mystery proper starts.

For the first part I thought I'd start with something familiar to get you settled in - it's not difficult to stitch but there are 297 stitches in total, which is why I started with this bit so you have plenty of time to stitch it.

Important pattern notes:

The patterns all have a red line around them - do NOT stitch this! This line is to help you place where stitches have to go so you can see the centre of the pattern more easily. Though since you are stitching the centre of the pattern this week as well that should also make things easier for you.

The patterns also have a blue line around the red line - if you are stitching a biscornu this is the suggested backstitch line placement.

And this is it! If you enlarge the photo it will be more clear, especially the effect the printed flowers has on the stitches when you stitch over or very close to them as the ink is pretty thick and causes the stitches to be bigger than the stitches on areas that do not have the print on them.

Colours used this time:
  • Colour E (centre)
  • Colour F (all other stitches)
You can find the pattern here
If you are stitching on a strip of fabric you can find the placement pdf here

Have fun and don't forget the next pattern for this SAL will be available on the 15th of March!


  1. That start looks very promising and fun...time pick those colours and get started!

    1. Thanks! It is :D Yes! You need to get started already! :D


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