Friday 2 March 2018

Friday Freebie: Ornament of the Month - March

Welcome back for the third Ornament of the Month! When you have finished this one you will be 1/4 of the way! This month we are moving on to a new colour: dark blue. I chose my favourite darker blue for this: DMC 820
As you can see I'm stitching on the same bit of fabric I did the February ornament on as there was still plenty of space left. You can also see the purple a LOT better in this image, which I like a lot. You can also see that I didn't finish the square part yet - it's a lot of stitches this time and it's been a busy week!

I have decided that I need to be a bit practical about my stitching time and workload and I'm not going to try and make the 3-D version each month - I just don't have the time. Instead I'm going to make a two sided triangle ornament and a single sided square one - I'll be leaving the back plain, like I did with the original Ornaments of the Month.
I won't be cutting these out yet - there is still space for at least two more sets so I'll be adding the January and April ornaments to this before I cut them out and assemble. This means it will be a while before you see beads on any of them, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait.

You can find the pattern here
You can find the Stitching Template here

Have a great weekend, stay warm and I'll see you for Tuesday's Weavers Tapestry Band Sampler SAL if not before!


  1. Oh, we got blue! Awesome. Being practical with your stitching time is probably wise, but I think I will still have to make them all 3D once I get around to them, I just can't help the awesomeness!

    1. Yes we do! I'm having to be very thoughtful about how and when I stitch what at the moment - carving out time to work on Viking Dragon is difficult. Yes go for it! make them 3-D :D I'll wait patiently to see your awesome version :D


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