Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Blackwork SAL - September

Welcome to the ninth part of the Blackwork SAL! This month things did not go to plan for the stitching, between not being well, unexpected appointments, and getting told today that my new fridge is getting delivered tomorrow. It was supposed to be 15 calendar days but apparently they really meant five working days. I'm happy! The old fridge has just about had it, so getting it sooner rather than later is good but I just haven't had the time to complete the stitching.
I got about 1/3 done so that's not too bad considering the time I've had lately. As you can see above we are finally at the larger edge bits - just one pattern this month using the last colour you chose for this project.

As always I have included a larger area of the Blackwork pattern with the area to be used in the SAL marked out in red in case you have trouble with the blue and so you can see a larger area. You are not supposed to stitch this area.

You can find the pattern here

Have fun stitching! I'll see you Friday with a non-SAL Friday freebie!


  1. Why, getting a large area to stitch AND a new colour? I'm getting spoiled for excitement! :D Really looking forward to this one.

  2. Merci pour cette nouvelle grille. Belle journée


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