Friday 12 July 2019

Friday Freebie: 50 x 50 for 2019 - July

Welcome back for the seventh edition of the 50 x 50 pattern series! This month I wasn't able to stitch this pattern at all.
This month is very geometric - if the uneven edge doesn't do it for you just add a line of stitching all around the edge and it will suddenly look all nice and even.
The alternate pattern looks even more uneven - you could extend the lines from the larger squares to make the edge even if you prefer.

Like last month the nice thing about this pattern is that you can repeat it as often or as little as you like (or have the patience for) and it will look great!

You can find the main pattern here
You can find the alternate pattern here

I'll see you Tuesday for the next part of the Medieval Owl SAL!


  1. The different sizes make this look a bit three-dimensional...I think with a nice gradient colour this would be a really cool effect.

    1. It does a bit doesn't it?! :D Yes with the right threads this would really trick the eyes :)


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.