Welcome to the seventh part of the Blackwork SAL! Things have not been going to plan the last few days as you will have noticed - but although this is a little late it's not as late as some of my recent posts, sorry about that. I'll get the 25 x 25 post up shortly - but I thought it was more important to get this post up more or less on schedule.
As always I have included a larger area of the Blackwork pattern with the area to be used in the SAL marked out in red in case you have trouble with the blue and so you can see a larger area. You are not supposed to stitch this area.
You can find the pattern here
Have fun stitching! I'll see you later with the 25 x 25 for 2019 (at last!) and Friday for a non-SAL Friday Freebie.
Oh, those are neat! I hope I can stitch this this weekend.