Wednesday, 31 May 2017

WIP Wednesday

Rather surprisingly I didn't do the Vakje per week pattern last Friday as the pattern given was an alphabet and I don't really like them much. Hopefully they will have something I do like this Friday! Instead I worked on last week's Friday freebie which when you last saw it looked like the photo above.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Friday(ish) Freebie: The Glorious 25th of May

I'm running a bit late today, if you are in a later time zone than I am (CET) then it's probably still Friday for you, otherwise it's definitely late. It is a tribute to Terry Pratchett's book Night Watch but also to Pterry himself as the 25th of May has also become a day when people wear lilac for Alzheimer's.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Surprise Freebie! 1st Century French Tile Floor Biscornu

It's Monday so not freebie day but sometimes it's nice to surprise people! A while back I saw a photo of a 1st Century tiled floor that was recently excavated in France and thought it would make an amazing biscornu so I made this pattern.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Friday Freebie: Power Flower Ornament

Sometimes the oddest things can lead to inspiration and end up as a pattern - this is one of those times. It all started with my bf having no power at his work and tweeting about it, me responding and saying I'd have a coffee for him and Vicki of the power company responding to that. It was a fun convo and set my thoughts on the right track to creating this little ornament - though it doesn't look much like power any more, it did when I started it.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

WIP Wednesday

Last week I had a bit of fun doing some speciality stitches for the Vakje per week, This week it's back to cross stitch again - a lovely little pattern that was done in no time - especially as I was doing it in a box that's only 27 stitches square.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Journey: Day 9 - Is It The End?

Last time you saw this I'd just finished adding the dried river bed and I was considering the next bit to do. I stopped to get the Friday freebie and the usual Saturday Vakje per week made, which meant I got some time to consider what to do next.

Friday, 12 May 2017

Friday Freebie: Vines Squared

This week a pattern that will work very nicely with variegated threads - or with something shiny or just your normal threads!

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

WIP Wednesday

Last week saw the finish of a row of mini squares on my Vakje per week - this week sees the start of a row of slightly larger squares. The pattern was challenging, despite my love of Algerian eye stitches, as the directional change kept on throwing me off - and let me tell you that it's no fun ripping out tiny Algerian eyes!

Journey: Day 8

Having finished the roadworks on the left it was time to add that road on the right - or river as I mentioned yesterday. I had a think about things and it seemed to me that it would be more logical for the river to be dried up as this is a desert scene and if the river was a water filled one then there would be little point in having the choice of the oasis in the middle.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Journey: Day 7

When you saw this yesterday I'd started a road and like all roads this turned out to be quite the project. Aside from having to restrain myself not to make the split stitches in the edges far too big as I got closer to the edge of the image there was another challenge awaiting me.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Journey: Day 6

So last time you saw the embroidery it had just received sky and there was still a lot of surface to cover. I had a few days where I didn't work on this as I like to try and stitch up the Friday freebie when I can and I also want to keep up with the Vakje per Week that is released Friday night.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Friday Freebie: C-3PO Mini Biscornu

So yesterday was May the 4th - the yearly Star Wars celebration and as you may have seen I shared a pattern for BB-8 to help the celebration along a bit. I saw lots and lots of wonderful Star Wars pictures on Twitter and deviantArt and the one thing I thought of when seeing a picture of R2-D2 and C-3PO in the desert was that not that many people seem to realise that C-3PO isn't fully gold but actually has a silver leg.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

May the 4th - Extra Freebie Pattern

I was looking for this little chap earlier today thinking I'd already shared the pattern, I discovered I had not, but this is something that's easy to fix!

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

WIP Wednesday

This is where I left off last week with the Vakje per week: just one box left to fill the row. Last week's pattern was fortunately a LOT easier to do, with the most difficult part being where to place the repeat.

Journey: Day 5

This is where I left off yesterday having ripped as I wrote the blog (not sure if that was clear from what I said yesterday), we shall not speak of the hill incident again.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Journey: Day 4

It's been a few days since I last worked on this, as predicted, but I got the deadline things done on time so it was worth it.