Thursday, 13 February 2014

UFO #11: The centre diamonds are closer to completion

As predicted I didn't get all that much done today - between appointments, going to town for more thread + a little box to put my ECS threads in, a trip to the post office and grocery shopping I was pretty knackered afterwards. Fortunately it's oldest's turn to cook today so I didn't have to worry about that as well. Tomorrow am will start with a call to the dentist because youngest's filling has fallen out :(


  1. I say this every time close to begin done!! Now if the errands, appointments and failed fillings were to stop you'd have time to finish! I hope your son is alright and the dentist doesn't do him in tomorrow :D

    1. Indeed it is! just a few more diamond outlines and i can start the filling in with the other colours - just one appointment today, the dentist - he's a nice chap who takes extra care not to do things to scare kids while still doing the necessary.


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