Saturday, 27 June 2015

SFS - June

For more information as to what Stitch From Stash (SFS) is, please click the button above.

From last month the carry over was € 49.27

This month:

Month: June
Budget:  € 25.00
Spent: € 55.05
Earned: € 16.12
Left:  (€ 49.27 + € 16.12 + € 25.00) - € 55.05 = €35.34
Carry over: There is no carry over as the 6 month time for group A has now ended.

My spending:

What with one thing and another I had a bit of a spending spree this month. First of all I needed more red Kreinik very fine braid for Wolf. They also had the last of the Tentakulum Matisse on sale - I thought I was getting just the one skein but it turned out I got 3 for that price, which was a pleasant surprise. I also picked up some end of bolt bits to add to my stash: 18 ct off white Aida as I was out and use it quite a lot and some black and pale blue 28ct Jobelan, another fabric I have taken a liking to. I spent € 21.15 excluding shipping.
Some experimentation had shown that the Kreinik cord I was planning to use to add backstitching on the red would not show up as much as I wanted it to so I needed a thicker thread. I looked at the Kreinik site to see what options there were and saw that not all threads had a thickness mentioned in the super useful chart they offer. So I asked @KreinikGirl on twitter for assistance. She was super helpful and helped me decide what to use: #4 braid. As I do not have any gold Kreinik #4 braid and time is running out for Wolf I knew I had to find a shop that did fast delivery AND had the colours I wanted - this proved difficult but in the end I found the 002C (gold cord #4 braid) and 002J (Japan #4 braid) over on peddles and they were fast! I got it the day after ordering. I also got a small bit of 20 ct Aida that I have been wanting to try for ages - it was only 3,50 so not too bad really. I spent € 11.90 excluding shipping.
Last of all I gave myself a treat for working so hard and redoing the living room. I had found the site of a French lady who hand dyes thread and I was really curious to try it out. She has a series of freebie patterns she's given out over the years to customers upon purchase and offers a kit + fabric (and in some cases including ribbon) as well as the pattern for a reasonable price. The site is le fil atalie and has some wonderful threads and she even ships world wide! I spent € 22.00 excluding shipping.
My total spending is: € 55.05

My subscription stuff:

I have a monthly subscription at Jodyri for the monthly hand dyed fabric, monthly hand dyed thread and a subscription for a set of 5 threads from the standard collection. June's theme was Pink Elephants on Parade, which unfortunately has not arrived yet - bad postie!

My earnings:

The June ornaments:
This month I finished 4 ornaments using the patterns I've made for my Ornament of the Month SAL as this month there are 3 birthstones (I did Alexandrite in 2 colours). The fabric is 16ct antique white Aida  that I got last summer when I was in the UK and 18ct Aida I had in stash. The threads are from my stash, most of which were collected before 1995 though of course I have since added any new colours and topped up colours I finished. Any craft thread used was given to me by my bf. The seed beads are a mix of things I bought, was given or already had.

The ornaments are all 35 stitches square so each ornament earns me $ 4.00 each for a total of $ 16.00 which according to the currency converter today is € 14.33

Fob a Month June Edition:

The June fob was inspired by Pinkythepink's Mucha princess patterns which can be found in her Etsy shop. 
The fob is 28 stitches square so it earns me $ 2.00 which is 1.79. You can find the pattern for the fob here: A Fob a Month - 4

This brings my total earnings at:  € 14.33 + € 1.79 = € 16.12

This is the last report for SFS 2015-A. I have given it much consideration and have decided not to continue with the B group as I find that I personally tend to spend more now I have "permission" to spend - before I had my brain wired to "I must not spend" and I generally didn't spend much. I definitively know that this group really helps you stop and think about what you spend and why and especially makes you look at your own spending habits and find reasons for them - I have my answers thanks to the group. I would definitely encourage people to sign up for this as it really helps!


  1. OOOO and AAAhhhhh! much pretty! Love the smalls you got. I thought you were continuing with SFS...does this mean Nancy is the only one continuing? We shall have to ask blog post just the same!

    1. Thanks!! Yes they are pretty aren't they? No, I did say when we spoke about it that I wasn't continuing - I think you were pretty tired at the time though. Thanks!

  2. Oooh, so manny pretties! I love the French smalls you got, as well as the red Tentakulum thread. It's gorgeous! Can't wait for all the happy pretties that are going to come from those ^_^

    1. Thanks! Yeah the French smalls are so pretty and the threads are wonderful! can't wait to stitch one of them!


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