Wednesday, 14 November 2012

UFO/WIP updates, TUSAL and IHSW November

UFO #8 has seen some progress now that it's no longer upstairs in the attic waiting for me to work on it. I'm slowly plodding away on the boring outer border trying to get as much of that done first before I feel the need to do something else and then I'll have the background of the central part to work on. It seemed like that was a better way of doing it rather than doing the central part first and then getting stuck on the tedious single colour 6 stitch wide border.

In the mean time I've snuck in a little new project just for me for no other reason than that I like the pattern and I am in the mood to work on this - autumn leaves made with variegated threads. It's a nice thing to work on which helps me deal with all the stress I've been in lately.

The list of things I want to work on is as long as my arm - I might need to set aside the UFO for a bit while I work on them. Most of the things I want to work on are deviantArt related, the Christmas card project, something for movember, #stitchingpirates's Biscornu challenge and I ought to be working on them but for that I first need to decide on a pattern for each of them.
November's TUSAL jar is again pretty full though not as full as the October one. Since the last TUSAL update I've worked on and completed the 7th UFO - Tropical fish as well as working a bit on the 8th UFO - the star sign I mentioned above.

IHSW November is this coming weekend - don't miss out and make time to stitch! If all goes well I'll be able to find a bit of time to stitch during the weekend.


  1. I know I have said this before, but your continued work on old projects is seriously INSPIRING! I'm also very happy to hear that next weekend is for stitching :D

    1. It's sheer bloody mindedness actually lol but it works so that's all that matters ;)

      The IHSW gives me "permission" to do sod all and just stitch - which is good for me and gets stuff done :)


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