Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Weavers Tapestry Band Sampler SAL: Part 36

Welcome back for part 36 of the Weavers Tapestry Band Sampler SAL! Thank you for all the condolences, both here, Instagram and on Facebook. I'm not sure if I'll be able to thank you all personally but please do not take this to be me ignoring your messages, it's just very difficult for me to deal with them.
When you have stitched this week's pattern it will look like this. The stags are jumping up to get the topmost leaves so the first of their feet is already in view.
Which you can see better here (click to enlarge).

Next week part three of the ninth band: More antlers, necks, legs and another hoof each.

You can find the black and white pattern here
You can find the colour pattern here

If you are stitching this too and want to join us on Facebook just go to the Facebook group and apply!

If you want to (also) join in on Instagram or Twitter all you need to do is use the tag #weaverstapestrybandsamplersal and/or my name @Magical525 and I'll be sure to look in on your work and possibly even re-tweet it if it's on Twitter!

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