Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Weavers Tapestry Band Sampler SAL: Part 37

Welcome back for part 37 of the Weavers Tapestry Band Sampler SAL! I've been having some "fun" this past week as my washing machine died - and costs more to repair than a new one would (eeek) - so I've been doing some of the wash in an old baby bath tub with my sons as the power behind the wash. Think of the old westerns where they shoot at the guy's feet to make him "dance" and then think of 15/17 year old teenagers doing that (not at the same time!) in a baby blue baby bath (try saying that fast!) and you can see how amusing that is! I had the "joy" of rinsing it all out properly in the sink and then my poor drier had to deal with wetter than usual wash which of course took hours longer than usual as we just can't wring as much out as the 1600rpm spin cycle my washing machine had. Fortunately the new washing machine should arrive this week so I'll be able to catch up on the mountain of wash that's growing! But enough of my latest trial and tribulation (it's just there to keep my arm muscles toned, I'm sure of it!) time for this week's band!
This is what your embroidery will look like once you have stitched this week's pattern. You can see the neck and shoulders have been added to and the second leg (and slightly misshapen hoof) is also in view. The antlers are now complete.

Next week part four of the ninth band: The main body, a bit of leg, and more of the plant.

You can find the black and white pattern here
You can find the colour pattern here

If you are stitching this too and want to join us on Facebook just go to the Facebook group and apply!

If you want to (also) join in on Instagram or Twitter all you need to do is use the tag #weaverstapestrybandsamplersal and/or my name @Magical525 and I'll be sure to look in on your work and possibly even re-tweet it if it's on Twitter!

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