Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Weavers Tapestry Band Sampler SAL: Part 47

Welcome back for part 47 of the Weavers Tapestry Band Sampler SAL! I'm sorry about the delay! I'd completely forgotten it was Tuesday - it's been so busy I'm messing up days. And that so close to the end of it all too - I bet you have all been chomping at the bit to get to this post.
When you have finished stitching this week's pattern your embroidery will look like this. As you can see there isn't much left now - just 10 lines of stitching!

Next week: the last part of the last band!

You can find the black and white pattern here
You can find the colour pattern here

If you are stitching this too and want to join us on Facebook just go to the Facebook group and apply!

If you want to (also) join in on Instagram or Twitter all you need to do is use the tag #weaverstapestrybandsamplersal and/or my name @Magical525 and I'll be sure to look in on your work and possibly even re-tweet it if it's on Twitter!


  1. Any chance you'll be posting the pattern as one large chart in the future? I'm still working on stitching the border, and I'd really like to be able to print all the band patterns off in one go. If not, I'll just track them down individually. Thanks for the great piece!

    1. Sorry for the slow response - I've been super busy and needed some time to think about your question. I'm afraid I just can't do it at the moment - it was never part of the plan to release them as a single entity. You can find all of the patterns linked in the sidebar to the right so at least there isn't much searching for the parts :) Have fun stitching!


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.