Saturday, 11 May 2013

Tusal & UFO #11: The 8th century floor tile

 This is my TUSAL jar for the month. It's filled with the threads from the spring flowers embroidery...
with the threads from the Spring peacock...
and with the threads from the 8th century floor tile that I have been working on while travelling due to the simplicity of the pattern.
I ran out of the colour I've been using for the framework (3021) and have to wait till Tuesday to get more as they have had some odd opening times due to bank holidays and the opening times are in the morning, not the best time of day for me to get anywhere except to the coffee pot. As a result I have been filling in the framework with the colours instead. If I place my hoop correctly I can get 2 loops of the same colour done at once and do 5 loops before I have to move the frame, so I can get quite a bit done before having to re-hoop.


  1. How large is your jar? I have a 16 ounce canning jar that once full, I empty into a seal-able baggie to save for the next biscornu to stuff it with.

    What do you do with your odds and ends?

    1. Watch for my next post as it's a bit more information (with pics) than I can put here :)


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