Friday, 12 April 2013

Finish it in 2013 project: March overview and WIP update post + TUSAL

New Project:

I started a "large" and complicated new cross stitch project this year based on a photograph by a really talented Alaskan photographer who was incredibly kind and said I could make a cross stitch of it. The photographer is Mike Gates, go check out his site - his work is amazing!

The pattern was made for me as a prize for winning a competition on dA. It's 10 inches wide  x 14 1/2 inches high = 180 x 261 stitches on 18 ct Aida and it uses 147 colours. I am truly intimidated but I did ask for the pattern to be as close to the photo as possible and didn't limit size or colours and I certainly got what I asked for!

In February I dyed the fabric for this using coffee. I started stitching in March

Update: The first 3 sections are complete 

New completed project:

 I made a cover for my diary using 25 different embroidery stitches - a new post with this will follow soon as it's worthy of it's own post.

The Current WIP's:

Sagittarius star sign by Lanarte - central area complete
Update: No progress made on this.

8th century tile floor embroidery in greens and blues. 
 Update: I have added a bit more to the top border.

Sampler - started
Update: I am behind with the TAST (see side bar) and haven't worked on it this month.

The UFO's:

2 sleeping bunnies - a Priscilla babyland embroidery - about half done but I *so* hate doing 1/4 and 3/4 cross stitches.

Dog embroidery (portrait) made from a photo years ago by a company - about 1/5th done.

Dog embroidery (standing) made from a photo years ago by a company - barely started.

Autumn leaves needle book WIP - embroidery is 1/2 finished.


This month I only worked on Mike's Mushrooms so all the threads in the jar are from that.


  1. The mushroom is coming out beautifully! I really love the floor tile border too.

    1. Thanks :) I think it's going to look awesome when done :) I agree the floor tile is also going to be great.. as soon as I get round to finishing it :D

  2. Now I really do feel like a go slow granny with my Project 2!

    1. Don't - remember you have a job and a house to do up and cleaning and stuff to do first and if you aren't exhausted *then* you have stitching time. tbh I'm amazed that you got as much donas you have!


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