Friday, 1 January 2021

Temperature SAL - 2020 Wrap Up Post

Welcome to the thirteenth Temperature SAL post! This is the final post for the 2020 Temperature SAL! It's quite a bit later than planned but then not everything went to plan today, including that moment when I grabbed DMC 913 instead of DMC 911 and didn't notice till after I'd finished all the stitches of the month with it. Joy. So a bit of ripping and restitching later, and it's all done but not ironed as I just don't have the time to iron it today, and I still need to add one more day.
The observant reader may notice that it just says 20 at the bottom, not 2020 — that's because the site I get the temperatures from has the day off today so didn't put yesterday's temperatures up. I'll add it tomorrow or Monday, depending on when the site does update stuff. As for the temperatures, they were a bit up and down as you can see in the graph below.
Image taken from the Dutch weather service KNMI

I use the Dutch weather service KNMI for my temperatures — so it's the temperatures taken at their main station in the centre of the country. As The Netherlands is so small there isn't all that much difference between what I personally experience and what they measure there.

Now it's your turn! Make a blog post if you blog, make a vlog/flosstube, a post on Instagram or Facebook and make sure I at least can see what you have stitched in the last month! If you blog or vlog please put a link below — it will be fun to see what you have stitched and who knows... you may gain a larger audience in the process! 
I'll be back soonish with the next of today's posts!


  1. Mine is finally finished as well!
    Looking forward to start the new one ^_^

    1. Yours looks great! I need to get a start on mine too — I've got that at the end of this month's to-do list as it comes at the end of the month.


Sorry about the comment form moderation... some bored idiots are spamming my blog.