Friday, 3 August 2018

Friday Freebie: Ornament of the Month - August

Welcome back for the eighth Ornament of the Month! The sun wants to turn us all into human fricassee or something by the feel of things - it's still roasting hot! As I'm writing this it's almost 6:30 pm and it's a toasty 33C/91.5 f ! I'm not getting much stitching done as a result - my needle keeps slipping between my rather sweaty fingers - not nice! I am so glad I got a fan to help cool things a bit (but sadly not enough to stitch as much as I'd like).

Much nicer are the colours of this month - a light tangerine and an orangey yellow - almost dried grass colour or the colour of wheat in the fields.
Not stitching much means still no stitched samples - sorry about that, it's really not going to plan lately stitching wise.

You can find the pattern here
You can find the Stitching Template here

I'll see you Tuesday for the 32nd part of the Weavers Tapestry Band Sampler SAL - it's the last part of this band!


  1. I am SO ready for a few cooler days...anything sub-30 will be alright. And a little rain would be nice too! But I'm glad to see your creative juices haven't evaporated just yet, as this is another lovely ornament :)

    1. Same here - fortunately we got some rain last night (AT LAST!!!) and things are around 10C cooler than yesterday - bliss! Thank you! My creative juices have been well hydrated - and fan cooled so in no danger of vanishing any time soon :)


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