Friday, 22 September 2017

Friday Freebie: Theodosius Hagia Sofia

Sometimes you can find the most amazing things carved in stone! This week's pattern is a prime example - it's a section of a carved archway that was in the Theodosius Hagia Sofia.

It was a bit of a challenge to take something curved and making into something straight but this is pretty close to the original I saw:

I was going to make it smaller but it insisted on becoming a border - you can stitch as much or as little as you like of it! If you don't like the greys then please do go ahead and change up the colours - perhaps consider using variegated threads or some shiny Kreinik!

You can find the pattern here.

See you next week for another freebie!


  1. Something in this screams 'ancient buildings band sampler' at me!

    1. That's a fun idea! I may steal it at some point hehehe :D


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