Monday, 2 October 2023

It's been a while...

Hi everyone, 

It's been far too long since my last post - I'm still breathing, more or less, though my health hasn't been doing too great.

Many things have happened...

I broke up with my fiancé, which resulted in the patterns no longer being available as he hosted them. 

I have had a bunch of additional health issues which have impacted my daily life and my ability to sit at the computer for any length of time. I now need a mobility scooter to get around outside the house.

I do have a spark of hope for those of you who are stuck with partial patterns, or wanting to gain access to previous patterns: 

In the coming months I'm going to set up a way to access them, and all incomplete patterns will have the missing sections added as well.

Unfortunately my health doesn't allow me to test stitch them like I used to do, so some may not look as good stitched as in the patterns, something I usually found and fixed before publishing. However you will finally get those unfinished projects done.

If all goes to plan everything will be set up before Christmas.

I'm also going to sell some of my embroidery and quilting fabrics as part of the downsizing process in preparation for moving to an apartment once I hit 55 as I then can get a senior apartment and it will have the home adjustments I need. 

I hope you have a great day!

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Another Quick update...

 Hiya everyone! 

Thanks for all the lovely comments on my last post. I'm sorry to have kept you all waiting for an update. I'm past the burnout, but the vaccination has given me a fun new side effect that has Dr's puzzled, so I'm doing blood tests and stuff to try and find out what's up. All we know is that after trying to do stuff for a few minutes I start to shake as if I've run a marathon. This includes sitting at the computer which doesn't make communication easy. I'll try to keep you better updated. 

Could someone please link this in the fb groups? Thanks!

Friday, 12 March 2021

Quick Update...

Hiya everyone!

Sorry for the radio silence - I kept on meaning to say something but then didn't have the energy. Last year's crazy schedule has finally caught up with me, and I've got a bit of a burnout going on. I am also recovering from some very unpleasant side effects of the Corona vaccine.

What's planned:
  • I'm going to take a bit of me time
  • Then I'm going to play catch up with all the missing posts.
You will NOT be left with partial SALS!

That is one thing I would never do to any of you! Please hang on in there, and I'll be back asap!

Friday, 26 February 2021

NFSAL 2021 - February

Welcome to the second of this year's NFSAL posts! This year I will be stitching all the patterns myself, though this month I wasn't able to finish due to health reasons.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Sampler SAL - Page 2 - Week 3

Welcome to the next part of the Sampler SAL! I'm so sorry that this is so very, very late! I have not been well and stitching has been a struggle, so it's taken a lot longer than usual to get the embroidery done to show you. It's variegated thread month and this week brings us folded thread, so you can loop start, blended with a solid, and what is often (but not always) called tweeded. There will be a catch-up post as soon as possible to get things back on track.

Friday, 19 February 2021

Friday Freebie: Shimmering Seas - Scissor Case

Welcome to the third Friday Freebie for 2021! Last month I started this three part series with a fob and a pincushion. This week I'm finishing the series with a scissor case. Unfortunately my health hasn't allowed me to do the stitching so the tutorial of how it's constructed will have to happen when I'm better. If you are waiting for the Sampler SAL please be patient, it's not forgotten and should hopefully happen tomorrow.

Friday, 12 February 2021

Blackwork SAL 2021: Shades of Blackwork - February

Welcome to the second part of the 2021 Blackwork SAL! This below freezing temperature is really getting to my joints and making it difficult to stitch as a result. Today I could barely hold the needle and finally just gave up, so you won't have as much to see on the photo. The pattern however IS complete, so all is good!

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Sampler SAL - Page 2 - Week 2

Welcome to the next part of the Sampler SAL! This being a weekly SAL it's going to get complicated with how many parts there are, so I'm chickening out early and going for “next” instead. It's variegated thread month and this week brings us diagonals and the old up and down the column stitching!

Friday, 5 February 2021

Ornament of the Month 2021 - February

Welcome to the second Ornament of the Month for 2021! The Birthstone for February is amethyst, so that's what this month's colours reflect. I still had some real amethysts left over from the batch I bought back in 2015 for the first Ornament of the month patterns, so I dug them out and used three as part of my finish of this month's ornament.

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Tutorial: 2021 Ornament of the Month Shape Construction

I thought I'd already done this, but apparently I had not, so this is going up later than planned or desired. I noticed it was missing because I'm preparing to stitch the February Ornament of the Month and wanted to know how much floss I needed to make the cord for the garland. Good thing I make notes and keep photos! This year's shape is not exactly simple to stuff, so it's done in parts as you work, I'll show you when in the photos. I'll also explain when things are done differently for an ornament version as of course you don't have to make this into a garland like I am. Please read the notes at the end before starting to do the finishing if you are making a garland.

Tutorial: Making Cords for a Garland Finish

While making the tutorial for the 2021 Ornament of the Month Shape Construction I realised that it would be clearer if I split the cord making part from the ornament making part of the tutorial, so here is a second cording tutorial. For general cording making instructions look here. This tutorial expands on the previous tutorial so knowing the basics is required. There are three options for how to make cording for a garland finish.

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Sampler SAL - Page 2 - Week 1

Welcome to the fifth part of the Sampler SAL! This time we are starting the second page. This month is, as I announced last week, all about variegated threads: the many ways they can be used to achieve different effects. We are starting with three ways to use the threads — one for the header and two different ways in the elements. This week most of the stitching is cross stitch aside from the page title that's done in backstitch.

Monday, 1 February 2021

Temperature SAL 2021 - February

Welcome to the second Temperature SAL post! This time is an update post, so I'll be showing you some pictures of my own progress. It didn't go as fast as I'd hoped as I was rather beset by issues. First the fabric I'd picked wasn't the same as the one from last year and I *really* wanted them to be the same. Then I ordered the wrong new fabric. Having discovered what I did use last year I then found out that I didn't have enough of the correct fabric and had to order yet more fabric… sigh. Next up the brown thread I wanted to use turned out to have areas that looked exactly the same colour as the fabric when using one strand.

Friday, 29 January 2021

Friday Freebie: Shimmering Seas - Pincushion

Welcome to the second Friday Freebie for January 2021! Last week I started this three part series with a fob and this week I'm continuing it with a pincushion — and not just a single options pincushion but two! First is the standard square version that can be finished square or as a biscornu and the second is a box pincushion. If you'd like to read more about the threads I'm using then check the previous post.

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Sampler SAL - Page 1 - Week 4

Welcome to the fourth part of the Sampler SAL! This time we are going to finish page one. This week we are again going to use a simple stitch to make a big impact! The stitch of this week is satin stitch! The most difficult part of satin stitch is the tension — pull too tight, and you get pulled satin stitch (where you pull the stitches tighter to pull the threads together) but that's not what we are going for this week. This week all stitching is done with two threads in the needle. I've highlighted helpful hints about the number of stitches to save you from having to count.

Friday, 22 January 2021

NFSAL 2021 - January

Welcome to the first of this year's NFSAL posts! This year I will be stitching all the patterns myself. I have chosen to do the whole year border option as I haven't done a full sized NFSAL with border yet. If you don't know which border I'm talking about have a look at the announcement post as it has all the information you need and both border patterns!

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Sampler SAL - Page 1 - Week 3

Welcome to the third part of the Sampler SAL! This time we are going to continue with the first page. This week we are going to make stitches made up of a single simple stitch that together make something else: eyelets! The stitch is often referred to as the Algerian eyelet stitch and has several other names (as often happens with needlework stitches) I'm calling them eyelets for short. The base of all eyelets is a single stitch though they might look more complicated than that if you are unfamiliar with them. This week there are two versions of the pattern — the main pattern and a pattern with extra eyelets in case you wish to do some more to practice or because they are fun!

Friday, 15 January 2021

Friday Freebie: Shimmering Seas - Fob

Welcome to the first of the Friday Freebies for 2021! It's a bit later than planned, mostly due to me not thinking clearly yesterday when I was on a roll and started stitching the second part of this series too close to today’s pattern so had to get quite a bit of stitching done in order to be able to free today's pattern.

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Sampler SAL - Page 1 - Week 2

Welcome to the second part of the Sampler SAL! This time we are going to continue with the first page. The stitches used are still very simple, but we will be doing two different stitches this time. Since visually they look more or less the same from the front I'm giving both backstitch and double running stitch — and for I think the first time ever — I'll show you the back of my work, warts and all!

Friday, 8 January 2021

Blackwork SAL 2021: Shades of Blackwork - January

Welcome to the first part of the 2021 Blackwork SAL! I'm sorry this part is late, life got busier than expected, and I ended up with less time to stitch than planned and to show this properly I needed to stitch it all. As always with evening pictures it's difficult to get the colours right, especially when you aren't stitching on white fabric.