Monday, 2 October 2023

It's been a while...

Hi everyone, 

It's been far too long since my last post - I'm still breathing, more or less, though my health hasn't been doing too great.

Many things have happened...

I broke up with my fiancé, which resulted in the patterns no longer being available as he hosted them. 

I have had a bunch of additional health issues which have impacted my daily life and my ability to sit at the computer for any length of time. I now need a mobility scooter to get around outside the house.

I do have a spark of hope for those of you who are stuck with partial patterns, or wanting to gain access to previous patterns: 

In the coming months I'm going to set up a way to access them, and all incomplete patterns will have the missing sections added as well.

Unfortunately my health doesn't allow me to test stitch them like I used to do, so some may not look as good stitched as in the patterns, something I usually found and fixed before publishing. However you will finally get those unfinished projects done.

If all goes to plan everything will be set up before Christmas.

I'm also going to sell some of my embroidery and quilting fabrics as part of the downsizing process in preparation for moving to an apartment once I hit 55 as I then can get a senior apartment and it will have the home adjustments I need. 

I hope you have a great day!