Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Weavers Tapestry Band Sampler SAL: Part 43

Welcome back for part 43 of the Weavers Tapestry Band Sampler SAL! This week you get the "missing" bits from last week's pattern section as well as this week's ten lines of stitching for a total of twelve lines of stitching. I'm very glad I realised what day of the week it was just in time to post this as I was busy stressing about my oldest son who just arrived in Italy for a school exchange trip - he will be fine but I always stress during the flight.
This is what your embroidery will look like once you have finished stitching this week's pattern.

Next week: the rest of the tenth band!

You can find the black and white pattern here
You can find the colour pattern here

If you are stitching this too and want to join us on Facebook just go to the Facebook group and apply!

If you want to (also) join in on Instagram or Twitter all you need to do is use the tag #weaverstapestrybandsamplersal and/or my name @Magical525 and I'll be sure to look in on your work and possibly even re-tweet it if it's on Twitter!

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